Mercado Livre Arena Pacaembu
Next edition: 2025

About the 3rd edition

The third edition of ArPa, held from the 26th to the 30th of June 2024, took place at the Mercado Livre Arena Pacaembu, creating a dialogue between art, contemporary architecture, and historical heritage. The edition brought together 55 galleries from Brazil and countries such as Argentina, Colombia, Spain, Mexico, Norway, and Portugal, featuring new projects conceived for the event. To deepen the visitor experience, ArPa was organised into five sectors: one main sector and four curated by renowned professionals in the field. In 2024, the UNI, Arte em Campo, Base, and Satellite sectors are curated by Germano Dushá (Brazil) in collaboration with Benedicta M. Badia (Argentina), José Esparza Chong Cuy (Mexico), Ana Carolina Ralston (Brazil), and Raphael Fonseca (Brazil), respectively.


Albuquerque Contemporânea
Almeida & Dale
Casa Triângulo
Central Galeria
Cerrado Galeria
Commonwealth and Council
DAN Galeria
Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel
Galería Agustina Ferreyra
Galeria Cavalo
Galeria Estação
Galeria Karla Osorio
Galeria Leme
Galeria Leonardo Leal
Galeria Lume
Galeria MaPa
Galeria Marco Zero
Galeria Movimento
Galeria Raquel Arnaud
Galería Sendros
Galerie Haas Zürich
Instituto de Visión
Isla Flotante
Janaina Torres Galeria
Lima Galeria
Luis Maluf
Luisa Strina
Marli Matsumoto Arte Contemporânea
Matias Brotas Arte Contemporânea
Mendes Wood DM
Mitre Galeria
Nara Roesler
OÁ Galeria
OMA Galeria
Papai Contemporary
Ricardo Von Brusky
Silvia Cintra+Box 4
Simões de Assis
Zipper Galeria

Meet the team

General Director
Camilla Barella

Associate Directors
Eduardo Barella
Rafael Carvalho

Institutional Relationship Direction
Cristina Candeloro

Curatorial team
Ana Carolina Ralston (Base)
Germano Dushá (UNI)
José Esparza Chong Cuy (Arte em Campo)
Raphael Fonseca (Satélite)

Executive Producers
Gabriel Curti
Julia Brandão
(Ayo Cultural)

Architectural design
Jeanine Menezes

Visual ID
Alexandre Utchiel
João Pedro Nogueira
(Estúdio Margem)

Visual Communication
Alisson Silva
Ana Heloísa Santiago
Asad Pervaiz
Luiz Otávio

Lighting Design
André Boll

Chris Rüegg

Prisma Program Coordination
Flavia Waiswol
Florencia Azcune

André Vilhora
Chloé Catalano
Lucas Torres
Isadora Maldonado
Thais Gouveia

Project Manager
Jorge Perez

Legal Counsel
Guilherme Airosa

Finance Management
Felipe Vicentini
Matheus Alves

Isabella San Martin Machado
(Universidad de Navarra)


The Main Sector brings together, in the third edition of ArPa, 40 national and international contemporary art galleries selected by the ArPa Committee, composed of Marcela Setton (Quadra), Isadora Ganem (Mendes Wood DM), Guilherme Simões (Simões de Assis) and Nani Lamarque (Isla Flotante). Galleries are invited to present new exhibition projects for the Fair.

Participating galleries

Albuquerque Contemporânea
Almeida & Dale
Casa Triângulo
Cerrado Galeria
DAN Galeria
Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel
Galeria Cavalo
Galeria Estação
Galeria Karla Osorio
Galeria Leme
Galeria Leonardo Leal
Galeria Lume
Galeria MaPa
Galeria Marco Zero
Galeria Movimento
Galeria Raquel Arnaud
Galería Sendros
Isla Flotante
Janaina Torres Galeria
Luis Maluf
Marli Matsumoto Arte Contemporânea
Matias Brotas Arte Contemporânea
Mendes Wood DM
Mitre Galeria
Nara Roesler
OÁ Galeria
OMA Galeria
Papai Contemporary
Ricardo Von Brusky
Silvia Cintra+Box4
Simões de Assis
Zipper Galeria


In the 3rd edition of ArPa, Setor UNI, curated by Germano Dushá in collaboration with Benedicta M. Badia, brings together nine galleries in seven projects, with artists from Latin America and the Caribbean who explore the mystery of life through different means. The project rehearses regional and subjective approximations and contrasts, as well as addressing cultural matrices and urgent discussions that permeate the globe, going beyond geographic areas and political fictions.

Artists, with different contexts and practices, synthesize or re-elaborate earthly issues based on spiritual dimensions, imagination and speculative thinking. Their works, between the corporeal and the ethereal, reverberate cosmological visions, collective imaginations, contemporary tensions and futures populated by ancestral forces and ineffable phenomena. It is in this encounter between spirituality and everyday materiality that dynamics critical to colonization and modernity are transmuted into paths to the power of life.

Germano Dushá (Serra dos Carajás – PA, 1989), curator, writer and cultural agent, collaborates with institutions, galleries and publications in different countries. He will be co-curator of the 38th Panorama of Brazilian Art at the São Paulo Museum of Modern Art – MAM.

Benedicta M. Badia is recognized for her strategic work as a cultural consultant and art collector, having actively dedicated herself to promoting cultural transformations on a global scale.

Galleries // Artists

Galatea / Miguel dos Santos
Galería Agustina Ferreyra / Ulrik López
Hache / Florencia Böhtlingk
Instituto de Visión + Central Galeria / Aycoobo
Lima Galeria + Superfície / Gê Viana
N.A.S.A.L. / Luis Enrique Zela-Koort
Zielinsky / Sandra Monterroso

Arte em Campo

The Arte em Campo Sector displays sculptures, installations and large works in the public areas of the Arena. Curated by Mexican José Esparza Chong Cuy, who collaborated with the fair in past editions, the sector was open to the public.

The works presented capture the essence of urban and industrial aesthetics, dialoguing with the past and the present, the static and the dynamic. Surfaces, gears and moving parts evoke the transformation of the space, an iconic São Paulo landmark in constant renewal. The space, under renovation, exemplifies how structures can be reinvented, preserving their historical significance, and invites the public to reflect on the impact of technology on the urban landscape and our ways of adapting.

Chong Cuy is executive director and chief curator of Storefront for Art and Architecture in New York and was a curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago – MCA.

Galleries // Artists

Campeche / Abraham González Pacheco
Triangle House / Lyz Parayzo
HOA / Igi Lola Ayedun
Luisa Strina / Alexandre da Cunha
Marli Matsumoto Contemporary Art / Raphaela Melsohn


In the 3rd edition of ArPa, the Satélite Sector, dedicated to the production of audiovisual art, is presented through a large LED projection with free access to the public and curated by Raphael Fonseca. Entitled Desejo, eu quero me transformar em você, in which the translation was borrowed from the song of the same name by American singer Caroline Polachek, the curatorial proposal revolves around the different notions of desire associated with carnal experience, capitalism, excessive consumption, as well as the dimensions existential and scientific. In this sense, Fonseca proposes a sensorial experience based on the exhibition of works by artists who have, as a common point, a fearlessness about the eventual monumental and mundane scale present in audiovisual narratives.

Raphael Fonseca has a PhD in History and Art Criticism from UERJ, curator of modern and contemporary Latin American art at the Denver Art Museum, United States and chief curator of the 14th Mercosul Biennial.

Galleries // Artists

Casa Triângulo / assume vivid astro focus (AVAF)
Central / Gretta Sarfaty
Commonwealth and Council / rafa esparza e Fabian Guerrero
Galeria Cavalo / Sofia Caesar
Galeria Raquel Arnaud / Carla Chaim
Galerie Haas Zürich / Sandra Vásquez de la Horra
Instituto de Visión / Ana Maria Millán
N.A.S.A.L / Luis Enrique Zela-Koort
Verve / Randolpho Lamonier e Victor Galvão
Wisrah C. V. da R. Celestino


In the 3rd edition of ArPa, Setor Base, curated by Ana Carolina Ralston, presents the group exhibition Todo ser vivo é a Terra dos outros [Every living being is the Earth of others], an invitation to reflect on the relationship between body and environment, society and collectivity. The curatorial proposal, inspired by the philosophy of the Italian Emanuele Coccia, explores the notion of expanded perception of life, its cyclical relationships of transformation and the interdependence between species. A cycle of talks complements the exhibition, deepening reflection on the body and encouraging dialogue and the exchange of ideas.

Ana Carolina Ralston, cultural journalist, researcher and independent curator, dedicates herself to research on art, nature and the relationships between the environmental, feminine and technological universe.

Check it out the Base Sector schedule and list of artists:


June 27th (Thursday)

3pm–4pm // Venice Biennale and the return to origins, with Beatriz Milhazes and Ana Carolina Ralston (mediation)

6pm–7pm // A arte de vestir, with André Namitala, Ayrson Heráclito and Ana Carolina Ralston (mediation)

June 28th (Friday)

3pm–4pm // Histórias da humanidade, with Raquel Arnaud, Frida Baranek and Ana Carolina Ralston (mediation)

6pm–7pm // A pintura como objeto, with Renato Rios, Laura Vinci and Ana Carolina Ralston (mediation)

June 29th (Saturday)

3pm–4pm // Art as a society project, with Paulo Bruscky and Jacopo Crivelli (mediation)

6pm–7pm // The continuity of life, with Bu’u Kennedy, Lia Chaia, Mônica Ventura and Lucas Menezes (mediation)

June 30th (Sunday)

3pm–4pm // Wild Nature, with Advânio Lessa, Siron Franco and Ana Carolina Ralston (mediation)

6pm–7pm // Metamorphoses, with Lídia Lisboa, Mariana Palma and Ana Carolina Ralston (mediation)

Exhibition artists

Advânio Lessa
Ayrson Heraclito
Bu’u Kennedy
Carla Santana
Claudia Andujar
Daiara Tukano
Davi de Jesus do Nascimento
Frida Baranek
Ianah Maia
Laura Vinci
Lia Chaia
Luiz Zerbini
Maria Lira Marques
Niobe Xandó
Paulo Bruscky
Paulo Nazareth
Renato Rios
Salmi Lopez
Sandra Gamarra
Siron Franco
Waltercio Caldas